Hello and Welcome!
Thank you for visiting my blog. I am Stoic Spirit. Perhaps I am not the only one with name like Stoic Spirit, as I wouldn’t be the only one with name like John Smith, I hope however I create so many Stoic Spirits here. Many people think that philosophy is limited to the abstract world of academies. It is absolutely true that it was pushed into the background by the advancement of ideologies. But I will prove that philosophy is more than smarting of flour wig or toga gentlemen. Philosophy is not boring, philosophy is EVERYTHING, and it is as timely today as it used to be. The aim of my blog to get the art and philosophy closer to anyone who visits my blog, and share with everyone that treasure I found in my life. The purpose of this blog is neither citing famous and overused quotes of well known Stoic philosophers as Seneca or Marcus Aurelius, nor repeating spiritual advices of Jesus and Buddha, these topics are fully covered by another blogs and facebook groups even more effectively than I could have done. This blog is for learning to think in creative ways via essays, comics, satires, and documentaries, with getting rid of axioms, dogmas, and overused platitudes that enslave our thoughts, and prevent us thinking outside of box with resisting the honey sweet satanic temptation of ideologies that breed moral relativism, and used to polarize the masses. Thinking, feeling, and judging in creative ways can be the only efficient antidote moreover a rebellion against the nihilism, banality, boredom, and intellectual sterility that characterize the modern West.

I didn’t want agenda with creating this blog and determine in which way you should think to be virtuous, moral, philosophical, or Stoic, because it’s not a purpose of philosophy. The nature of art and philosophy is not static, but dynamic, means there will be always room for new ideas. I shall not tell what you should think and how, rather ask: what do you think about this? I show the way how to learn thinking and avoid suffering unnecessarily, for FREE! This is exactly the purpose of art and philosophy, because both belong to everyone, serve everyone. If you appreciate what you find useful in my blog, please let me know, leave a comment below, or simply just say hello.
About me
Everyone has a story and every story is unique. Here is my story. My name is Albert F. Gávai by law. I was a loner, eccentric, introverted, physically weak, but self sufficient child, ain’t so popular among girls:). never participating in any communal activity if I could afford to avoid them. I was always following my own path, separating from others.

The dark side of being a highly creative genius, you have to sacrifice most of your creative ideas in order to actualize any. Just because you have endless mental capacity regarding creative ideas, that makes you virtually never run out of them, you have no endless time and energy. Your day also consists of 24 hours like anyone else’s. This sacrifice requires discipline, means you sacrifice most of your time you spend with dreaming and visualizing for hard work of actualizing.”
But the path led me here was long and rough.

I was spending most of my time with creating stories in my head, because I never get drained by doing this. I love and loved creating stories ever since. And if I had no chance to write or draw them out of my head, that easily could have made my brain blow up:). So many people are good in art and blessed with extraordinary drawing talent, but aren’t so good in creating stories, others are excellent novelists, satirists, but they aren’t good artists. I belong to that minority who are excellent in both. So many people are good in nothing, but the truth is, you don’t have to be talented to not to be mediocre, but there’s no talent that would be worth anything with no self discipline and hard work put into. Discipline and passion, they are my mottos. Despite I considered myself as being out of the socio-sexual hierarchy altogether in some weird way my talent raised me to the top, which was also acknowledged by those who did not like me anyway. Because I soon realized that everyone loves stories and tends to be impressed by professional artwork, especially about those which are close to interest of folks. I created comics about others, I made a caricature figures of my teachers and classmates on regular basis, showing a distorted mirror and claiming do not shoot the messenger, this latest raised my popularity the best. It proved a deadly weapon against others, and against myself too:), for it was a double-edged sword. I got trouble due to this a countless times. I never apologized, seeking no social validation. I just had let the people hate me. That was the source of my energy:).
As a young adult, I was obsessed with the delusions of half-truths. Instead of accepting my limitations, and I would have borne my cross with dignity and humility, I became arrogant, cynical, and bitter. I blasphemed the good God because I couldn’t achieve what I wanted. But the truth is without self-knowledge, I had no idea what I really wanted. So all in all, I set out on a path where only disappointment, frustration, and bitterness could wait and and which led me nowhere.
It took me a while to figure out I don’t have to compete with others in what others are better at, but in what I am better than others. Because I’m not like others. I no longer want to be part of a world where everyone can be replaced as I would be. Because what I create is only possible for me, and only I’m called for. Nobody does it for me and instead of me. I’m not going to be one of a million welders, confectioners, and drivers. There are already enough people out there who are much better than I would be. But a Michelangelo and Dostoevsky are irreplaceable, Because there was only one Michelangelo and was one Dostoevsky in history. What these flame spirits accomplished, no one else would have been able to. I am not blessed with unparalleled talent by creator God to remain untapped, to develop perfectly, and give back to the civilization of which I am the heir, and I owe it a lot.
I soon came under the influence of philosophers like Zenon, Epicurus, Socrates, St. Augustine, Locke, Kant, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Jung, Heidegger, Camus and many others. I also soon applied to the school’s faculty of philosophy as adolescent, but I soon became disillusioned with it. I didn’t find satisfactory in any way the lectures, because I think the philosophy is about the dialogue, discussion, and debate, not about boring jargon and learning datas, without questioning anything. It would falsify the entire purpose of philosophy. So I left the faculty, and I walk on my own pathway ever since. After finishing the school I was deliveryman, warehouse worker, deliveryman again, entrepreneur, online trader, agricultural trader as I am now. I’ve never drained with finding creative ideas, and in philosophy itself. I never went to college, I don’t have a PhD either, which I did not regret so far, because I would have missed a lot of fun that the life of school offers, of which I am still a student. I am officially not an intellectual for the same reason I left the faculty. I simply would have wasted my entire life that way. I also learned to draw in a self-taught way as everything in my life. The self-education is the cheapest and most effective way to learn. This is why I encourage everyone who is interested in art and philosophy to get involved in this venture, and share thoughts. Everything is about connection, and being connected with each other. this is the purpose of forum. So this is my story in a nutshell.
In order for the artist to have a world to express he must first be situated in this world, oppressed or oppressing, resigned or rebellious, a man among men.
Simone de Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity