Perhaps the greatest sin of modernism is that it has robbed us of the right and ability to be at home somewhere in this world. Truly at home, not just in a place where we live or live a lifestyle. All of this has been achieved by breaking up micro-communities.
This is not only true in a geographical sense, but also in an abstract philosophical sense. We are in this world to be at home somewhere in it, this gives life meaning and beauty, but it is also connected to the intellectual, spiritual and emotional maturity of the individual. The level of development and place of man in this world can be divided into three parts: the city, the desert, and the village.
The City
The city symbolizes the reality of today’s world, the chaotic, atomized industrial mass society, the mass chaos of individuals who have lost their purpose or who have not found their purpose, the nihilism. This place is a labyrinth of information and disinformation, people who are always going somewhere but don’t know where, just going around and around. This place is completely defined by ideology, that is, by a collective sense of identity, but in the city you don’t really belong anywhere, and most importantly, you are not at home anywhere.
The most important thing at this point is to realize that you are a slave, a slave to the system, the proof of which is that you cannot live without the system. If you cannot live without something, it means that you are a slave to that something. At this point you become sighted, but it also means that you lose everyone you thought was your friends, you simply lose interest in them. Those who do not see, or do not want to see, their chains of bondage are agents of the Matrix, maintaining the false illusion.
The most important thing here is to realize that you are living in hell and everything you have heard so far has been a lie. Everyone around you is an agent of the Matrix and no one cares about you. It is an intellectual desert. Once you have that, you suddenly become very lonely, but only until you realize that you have been so all of your life.
Be careful, because there’s no way back from here. This is a one way ticket. If you ever open your eyes, you are no longer capable to close them again. You will see that the paradise of fool is the hell of wise. After that, nothing will be the same. You no longer expect anything from the holograms whom you once considered your fellow human beings, they no longer exist for you. You find yourself in the desert like an ancient pillar hermit. There is no way back to the city, where everyone wants to impose their will on everyone, but no one wants to take responsibility for anything.
The desert or wasteland
Total loneliness and solitude. When you’ve come this far, you feel like this is the end, there’s no way anywhere. It’s no coincidence that you feel this way, it’s very important that while you’re working on what seems like a hopeless journey into the unknown, you keep hope alive with something. This can be an object that symbolizes the goal you want to reach. You don’t know what else you’re looking for, but at least you know where you’re headed. You know that you only need two things in life, meaning and beauty. To be at home somewhere in this world, so to come home. Come home to that place you’ve never been to before, but you feel like you belong there.
That’s why you need total freedom over your decisions, but be careful, you also need to take total responsibility for your decisions. Maybe you already know not only that you are moving in the right direction, but also how to achieve it, you are only at the beginning of the journey, you have not yet enjoyed the fruits of your labor.
The danger of this is that if you are too late to recognize the lies that have defined your life, like everyone else in the city, you will leave the falsehood of the Matrix too late, you may not make it through the wasteland, you will be too old, sick, weak, etc. But you’re already out. You have to find a way out of here, that is, out of voluntary exile.
The village, or your tribe
If you’ve made it this far, congrats and well done, because your journey has ended here. You’re home, you’ve arrived, you’ve found your own tribe. You have found those who are honest with you, who care about you, who want the best for you, who you can always count on in all circumstances, who will never betray you. Those who don’t want to rule over you, those who don’t want to use you and exploit you. And those you may not know about yet, but for whom you also want the best.
You may not have anything in common in your origins, cultural, linguistic, ethnic backgrounds, but you can still call them your own, because they have walked the same path, for the same reason, and with the same goal. They have gone through the same hardships as you, and they have taken on all of this, the loneliness, the rejection, the adversity, because they have the same courage and values as you. They are your tribe. They are your home.
Be proud of yourself, because 99% of city dwellers will never get this far, even among those who have become sighted like you, and who have once set out into the unknown like you. Lucky is the one who is born in the village, but by no means more experienced. This is a lifelong journey, because life is the journey, and the journey is life itself, but only then and only for those who are going somewhere. Those who do not make this journey have never lived.
The journey is more important than the destination
But don’t expect it to be easy or short. How long it will be varies from person to person. The biblical Moses is said to have lived for one hundred and twenty years, forty of which were in the palace, forty in the desert, and forty in the service of the Lord. This means that he spent two-thirds of his life preparing for the remaining one-third of his life.
Think about it. He reached his goal at the age of eighty, when in the developed world today the retirement age is sixty-five, when everyone is past the good and the bad of life, and when most people have been retiring for fifteen years and think they’ve done everything. When everyone wants to relax and enjoy what’s left of life, not to mention those who don’t even make it to that age.
How would a person today react to the fact that their time will only come at the age of eighty, assuming they have worked on it persistently and purposefully, every single day single minded. Most people would surely react by saying, when should we live if not now? They would do this without even realizing that they are not living now, just as they have never truly lived.
According to an interesting statistic, most people in the developed world work all year round so they can have five weeks off, work ten days a week so they can spend two days off, all while hating their job, their coworkers, and seeing no meaning in their lives. They work not for meaning and beauty, like the sighted, but for material goods, from which they expect happiness, and which are never enough, because they do not give happiness, they only temporarily forget the chronic unhappiness that is the result of intellectual, spiritual, and emotional misery. All this is just to maintain the illusion of prosperity.
Meanwhile, they don’t even notice that life is passing them by. Many realize on their deathbed that they have wasted their entire lives on nothing. From this perspective, those eighty years of preparation don’t seem like such a bad deal. Unfortunately, most people realize too late that if they would have spent all that energy, or at least half of it, on self-improvement from that energy what they spent for compensating for the lack of happiness and purpose, they would not have to die with a sense of deprivation and emptiness, but with a clear conscience, aware of a difficult but meaningful and beautiful life well lived. Sadly most realize this too late.
Thanks for reading!