The marvellous Afghanistan Whenever we think we can no longer be surprised, we are always joked by our own self-conceit. And we must learn that painful lesson, there's no room for arrogance in …
Individual vs. community
This is an evergreen issue since the Trial of Socrates at least. And the solution for this issue may surprise you. For addressing this issue we should define what is community for. The community is …
The Islam is NOT the religion of peace. Here is why
I'm gonna start this post with a disclaimer. I am not an expert of Islam, but even more importantly I'm not professing against the Islam. I'm explicitly a fan of Islamic architecture and calligraphy. …
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In the prison of illusion
Although the human mind is the most complex structure we know of in the universe, it is made up of more neurons than all the celestial bodies in the universe, yet we use only three percent of it for …
Why you shouldn’t follow news
It happened exactly two decades ago on this day. Four hijacked passenger planes and three thousand slaughtered victims. The war on terror was subsequently announced, which at the time was still …
The source of our dissatisfaction
The human mind is the most complex structure in the universe, about which modern science hardly knows anything. But what is consciousness? How can the infinite connection point of neuronal pathways, …