Now I’m writing something that won’t make me very popular, but I have no choice but telling the truth (at least what I feel is true). I was never interested in popularity, only the truth. I consider …
Why democracy is always doomed to fail
The title could also be that why democracy is doomed to fall to totalitarianism, or mob rule, or whatever. In 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish professor of history (University of Edinburgh), …
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The insolubility of logical contradiction of time travel
The time traveling is a saint grail of science fiction for centuries. According to Einstein's relativity the perception of now is always changing and it moves along with time. The time is only a …
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What your child desperately wants you to know
Well, I don't know about you, but as a child, I circulated between boredom and stress. When I wasn't stressed I was bored when I wasn't bored I was stressed. If I think about it that way, I've been …
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The question, that no one can answer about anarchy
There are many interpretations of anarchy, but it is generally used exclusively by everyone in a pejorative (negative) sense. According to most interpretations, anarchy is something to be feared. For …
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Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason in drawings
This work is not for everyone because it is too abstract. It's a bit intimidating to read, and I feel insufficient my blog to express it in full length. Perhaps it's not designed for average …
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