What is the essence of all science fictions? It turns out that everything we firmly believed in until now is a lie. Our world is falling to pieces around us. We have to make a choice. We either …
Why liberals hate freedom
For me these philanthropists were always suspicious, because I feel that they are not who they appear to be. For me anyone to get rich just to give opportunities to the unfortunate poor is simply too …
When OneNote is off it eventually destroys the whole symphony
The pathology of ideology I've been trying to figure it out for a long time why I like this guy. I guess he would abhor me for this:). Of course one's charm and charisma whatever appealing are …
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The failure of today’s Stoics
I am often reproached that my theses have little to do with Stoicism. Now I feel the necessity of clarifying this once and for all. First of all, what makes one Stoic? We all know the history …
Devil can’t harm you unless you want
The philosophy of Satan Who really is Satan or Lucifer? Every culture in the world has its own mythology, thus, an image of Satan was formed in the collective memory of all peoples as the …
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Lo, I teach you the Superman!
Thus Spoke Zarathustra Who was Nietzsche's Zarathustra? In fact we know virtually nothing about the historical Zarathustra? We know more about Nietzsche. I must emphasize, that this poetry …