Although the human mind is the most complex structure we know of in the universe, it is made up of more neurons than all the celestial bodies in the universe, yet we use only three percent of it for …
The source of our dissatisfaction
The human mind is the most complex structure in the universe, about which modern science hardly knows anything. But what is consciousness? How can the infinite connection point of neuronal pathways, …
The cult of perfection
Human is the only race capable of abstract thinking, and also the only species that is therefore constantly longing for perfection. Which means they’re looking for meaning in everything. Materialism …
How to handle conflict as Stoic
There's two things the human being is afraid of in life, of death of course, and of public humiliation. Some are more afraid of the latter than of death e.g. samurais. Fearing of being in embarrassing …
Is mass society really for the masses?
There is no evidence that people in industrial mass societies today are happier than they were before the modern age, but all proves the opposite. Even today, it can be observed that residents of …
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MGTOW The dark reality of modern marriage
In spite of the fact that the institution of marriage has long history and very ancient tradition we can see an increasing amount of people deliberately choose to stay single, especially in a modern …
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