In this article, I’m going to show you the most incredible techniques of ideological brainwashing and the art of propaganda.

To be honest, I am not a fan of topics like this, as I’m not a fan of ideologies and political propaganda as artist and philosopher, and I don’t want any of you to wrongfully consider this blog as some ideological agitprop or collection of demagogic clichés. The aim of this blog as far from this as possible, but I believe that this topic is unavoidable, because in a modern mass societies the propaganda is virtually everywhere, and we are bombarded by political, ideological contents from everywhere. How can we deal with this, but even more importantly, how can we spot this? The very interesting Jungian question how much of our personality is the society and how much of it that, is really we ourselves?
One thing I cannot understand anyway, how to make people hate each other in collective terms, means without knowing each other? How can the masses be polarized, based on demagogic nonsenses? How can the son of man be corrupted to betray his own genetically determined nature? I ask this because it’s merely impossible in cases of other species. How many and how many millions of soldiers marched to certain death, in state of mind that they have a very little chance to survive? And for what? For the homeland, nation, for the glory of the highest honor which a soldier can receive, self-sacrificing, heroic death?
These concepts have absolutely no positive effect on lives of the citizens, they have no rational meaning, intellectual or economic value, they do nothing to improve the lives of the masses. They’re not virtuous at all. Self-defense alone could be the only legitimate argument, but on lives on average soldiers the war is far from self-defense, rather suicide.
The average person often votes for slogans in the election, like: ‘Homeland, nation, brotherhood, solidarity, equality, and so on. These slogans never precisely defined, and explained how they can be put into practice, because in that case, common sense would be affected, and the whole propaganda machine would be ineffective that way. As long as they are not precisely defined, everyone interprets them the way they like, and those slogans affect emotions only.
Brainwashing built on emotions is much more effective, because human is an emotional being, much more than rational, which seems to refute the term homo sapiens. This is the task of propaganda. Mountains can be moved to affect emotions without realizing the people are fooled.
What some people see in regressive nationalism or nation state? Mutual solidarity, brotherhood, equal opportunities, redistribution according needs of citizens.
What some people see in leftist liberalism? Mutual solidarity, brotherhood, equal opportunities, redistribution according needs of citizens.
THE SLOGANS ARE THE SAME! Only the beneficiaries are different. None of these is rational argument, but all are emotional.
There is nothing wrong with being an emotional being, however. Moreover being emotional is very crucial to make moral judgement and decisions. Our emotions make us moral beings, and sometimes even the propaganda can achieve noble goals, for example the abolitionist movement before the American Civil War, or the civil rights movement at 60s, but it’s essential to understand how propaganda works, what is the difference between ideology and philosophy. On the other hand it’s very hard to determine what is fair, and justice, because it’s an emotional stuff, that’s why it is very easy to hack. This is what political demagogues and propagandists do. This is propaganda for. Hacking our moral abilities, with taking advantage of our natural weakness, jealousy, hypocrisy, selfishness, vanity, and cowardice.
let me give you an example. Let’s assume that protecting the innocents is virtuous, moreover not protecting them is a moral transgression, which is easy to accept. What if let’s say for example that the German working class is the victim of a Jewish monopoly capitalists. This was a nazi propaganda at 30s. So in terms of this not protecting the hard working exploited German worker is a moral transgression, that the society can’t afford, and the best protection is the extermination the culprits. See? The human sense of justice is totally hacked. And once we allow room for that, once we let this happen, well then everything is really relative, and nothing, I repeat NOTHING saves us from bottomless hell. Another more actual example: Let’s say that the education of children is our moral obligation, which is again, easy to accept. Let’s say only the public education is capable doing this, because the private schools are profit oriented, and they tend to neglect teaching important topics, e.g. patriotism. In this terms forcing the parents to send their children to government school is a moral obligation, because only the government can turn the children into pattern citizens. No one is allowed to point out the fact that what the government pursues on the whole generations of children in most countries is everything but not an education, rather indoctrination, traumatization, destroying them intellectually, or simply brainwashing, and everything they achieve is not else than violating the rights of children to a real education, and the rights of parents to choose the education is the most suitable for children, thus a violation of human rights. But an ‘equal opportunity’ is provided, and who is against the public education, against the education, who doesn’t want the children to be educated, because hates the children, and that one is screwed, must be distraught who doesn’t recognize and appreciate the goodwill of state. And that’s it, they won a debate. This is again a completely hacked sense of justice.
How can we protect ourselves against this?
You have to learn the art of propaganda, and use against them their own method. In this way you will not only be capable to win debate against virtually everyone, but you will be capable to spot every manipulation attempt on you, and on others. You have to realize that the rational argument does not work on vast majority of people. Against them only another emotional argument can be effective. You don’t have to prove they are irrational, you have to prove their point of view is morally untenable, thus unmask their false morality, and spot the hypocrisy, in such a way that you must transform yourself into the the greatest demagogue among demagogues. Fire must be destroyed by fire.

How can this be achieved? You must speak their language. First of all, stop using logic, if you want to convince those who don’t listen. Instead start using concise, simple, striking slogans. I try to simplify this, how you could recognize if you’re tried to brainwashed, and how you can learn brainwash others. This technique can be recognized every time, because virtually all politicians use this, and they always use this.
The enemies must be determined, demonized and isolated, with declaring them scapegoats, and then they are ready to be destroyed. (Isolate, demonize, destroy).
This is what every party does at all times. They’re selecting a group of people, and isolating them. They are accused, and declared as the source of all problems of society, and when the public opinion is turned against them, they destroy the selected group. Sometimes literally, as Nazis did with Jews, or the Bolsheviks with bourgeoisie and kulaks as enemies of people. In democracies they aren’t destroyed, but overregulated, taxed, and looted. This is a much more efficient method by the way, because cutting the throat of hen laying golden eggs is not recommended.

Victimization. At the same time they make the masses believe, that they are a victim of enemies.
The most imortant here that everyone is a victim who is not an enemy. The debtors are victims of creditors, the underpaid or fired employee of employer, the divorced woman of her former husband who doesn’t pay alimony and so on. The enemy always must fall into the enemy category and the victim into victim category. There can be no overlaps or grey zones, because that’s causing embarrassment.
When we finished demarcating of enemies and victims, we have nothing else to do but portraying the enemies by the most expressive means possible, exaggerating them grotesquely, and as well as their victims. Their image burns into people’s brains subconsciously. This is the job of artists, caricaturists, journalists, intellectuals, and propagandists.
An example of this is all nazi and communist caricatures, where the Jews and bourgeoisie were illustrated that manner if I show anyone a contemporary poster for example about a Jews, with hooked nose, smoking in tuxedo, sitting on a top of pile of money, everyone recognizes it right away even today, that’s a Jew, or bourgeois. Nowadays, they work with much more sophisticated methods, but essentially the same. The villas are introduced of wealthy people, showing their luxurious lifestyle, model babes around them, their sport cars ect. The most important stuff here is making the average people hate them, taking advantage of natural human jealousy. Immediately after this the unemployed is shown with four children under modest living conditions. Seeing this, there’s no one who dares to tell that we shouldn’t take Porsche away from the rich man and hand it over to poor family, for yet it is a shame that there are such wealth inequalities in the world today.
So this is a very well thought out and executed brainwashing, and who tries to resist the unstoppably expanding state power even at the minimal way, is destroyed with accusation they hate children, and want them to starve to death.
So we have to work with the same method to convince the people about that the real enemy is not few wealthy people, but the ruling elite, and the victim is not a poors, but everyone who is not a member of the rulers. The real rich are the ruling elite, and they are mad at everyone who is trying to get rich outside their caste on by own. Just because they feel jeopardize their positions.
The ideologies with agreeing with each other set the demarcation line between us. It’s beneficial for all of them, because as long as the slaves are busy with beating each other, they can expand their control over the society unnoticedly. This is the classic divide and rule principle, and since everyone who wants our vote, wants to be the part of the ruling elite, has an interest in maintaining the status quo. All we have to do is redrawing demarcation line, that no longer would be between left and right, liberals and conservatives, but between the ruling elite and every one else who is not part of it, in other words hanging the executioner, proving that the weapon, what we were beaten with so far is double-edged. As simple as that. Victimization, isolation, demonization, gross exaggeration. And you’ll get never outsmarted in any debate.
Obviously I have no such illusion that the people can be persuaded during an election cycle or even in a few generations about the real enemies, who exploit, blackmail, loot, pillage, imprison, enslave, indebt millions, inflate money, sell the unborn generations as debt slaves, abduct and make our children dumb in a terrible government schools, cause endless global warfare and mass unemployment, turn us against each other, produce nothing that’s valuable, are not else than our rulers. Who are all individuals, with their own selfish interests, who are like anyone else with one difference, they called ourselves rulers, which is only a license to do whatever they want unchecked. If we do not try at least to protect ourselves intellectually against this, we’ll never have a normal life.
I think that is the only way to convince the masses, if the basic moral rules are taught them as children. Everyone should teach his or her own children, that there’s no excuse for cruelty, nastiness, and abusing power. Nothing can work on an immoral basis, and initiation of violence never can be moral. No matter who initiates against whom, and under what pretext, the violence is violence, even if it’s committed in the name of state, or people. There is no difference between the crime is being committed by the government or being committed by a private criminal. The essence is in the action, regardless who is a perpetrator. It also needs to be understood that initiating force for charitable purposes is an oximoron.
Using emotional arguments is much more easier than using utilitarian arguments by the way. When I point out connections between prosperity and non-aggression in particular society, I need to plunge into researches to find dates and logical connections, which requires hard work. As result no one will understand what I’m talking about except the economists. The whole effort is useless, wasting time and energy, especially when the opponent starts blabing about starving children: “Who the hell cares some prosperous societies and non-aggression, when the children are starving on the street”. And that’s it, you lose debate. Of course I have to add it your opponents don’t need to show evidence about existence of starving children, sufficient enough claiming they exist and starve. Using the ‘starving children’ argument you can also refute that he earth goes around the sun either. It does not require any logical connection, and if one exerts the least resistance, you can destroy that one with accusation: ‘You do not consider important talking about this topic, because you hate chilren, shame on you!’. That’s it. The vast majority of people won’t leave their comfort zone to check connection between arguments, they will believe, because no one likes to see starving children. Better being safe. All propagandists use this technique.
The content of the propaganda must be something ‘noble’. For example I know a leader of radical leftist movement, actually Trotskyist movement, who didn’t hesitate to condemn the Israeli air strike on Gaza strip, and at the same times adores Lenin, the Russian revolutionist, whose terrorist regime deployed poisoning gas on unarmed villages, and starved half of Russia to death in artificial famines in order to turn the poor peasants’s Russia into industrial super power. With proper propaganda you can kill hundred millions, in name of ‘equality’, or ‘social justice’, without being condemned by mainstream media, or even noticed. But if you use wrong propaganda, you get excommunicated with accusation ‘racist’, or ‘apartheid’, like in the case of Israel. If you fight for ‘equality’, or ‘social justice’, you’ll be acquitted of all charges, because you’re considered well intentioned, otherwise you get stigmatized. So you have to be extremely careful with choosing the slogans. The stigmatization is a powerful weapons in hands of demagogues. They don’t need to refute your arguments anymore, just enough labeling you as ‘nazi’, and who needs to argue with the Devil, really?
The purpose of brainwashing is not only stuffing the head of people with stupidity, but also preventing the further thinking. If they are succeeded with making people accept particular dogmas as irrefutable truth, they will be never willing to think about those topics, since the debate is closed for them. Scripture is scripture. Who questioned it must be a heretic idiot, as they think. This is that the economic and political interest groups want to achieve with global warming hysteria. Al Gore didn’t jaw anything else, than ‘the debate is closed’ about global warming, means who wants to reopen a debate must be an idiot. Which is not much difference from the tactic of communists who sent to bedlam anyone whose opinion differed from the line of party. Before I would get accused, I’m gonna declare that I am NOT ‘climate sceptist’ or ‘global warming denier’. That might be a real problem, and even the human activities might contribute to it. I don’t know though, I am not a scientist. I do not take a position on things that are not my area of expertise, but the ninety percent of climate change theory is a political propaganda. And even if the theory is correct, the ruling elite is responsible even for the climate change as for virtually everything, while blaming the average citizens for using plastic flacon, which is again another reason of imposition of extra taxes on them.
All in all, the politicians win elections with almost one-word slogans, which is astonishing. I think Goebbels, the father of modern propaganda said, that the propaganda cannot make intellectual demands, but even he had to work harder than his disciples. Certainly he would not have thought that his science would be developed to such a level the American president is elected in inspiration of three words ‘Yes we can’, which are three syllables only. Simply brilliant. Obama’s election slogan is one of the shortest if not a shortest in history. This is the prevailing Orwellian newspeak. Trump’s slogan isn’t bad either: ‘Make America great again’, but it’s too long, not too swallowable, can still be carved down of it:).
Thank you for reading me.