This is an evergreen issue since the Trial of Socrates at least. And the solution for this issue may surprise you. For addressing this issue we should define what is community for. The community is for the individual, because in community everyone is an individual. Otherwise living in community for individual makes no sense. In this sense, the individual and the community may never conflict. But then why are they presented contradictory?
They are still presented this way because there is no real community in societies, especially mass societies, that is stronger than the masses. There is a crowd in a mass society and not a community. The real community is transparent and everyone knows everyone in it. Such were the pre-modern village communities. Mass societies, on the other hand, are made up of a mass of individuals deprived of the cultural roots of the community. The masses are communities only in their name. They do not meet any of the community criteria. Nonetheless they are called community.
Participation in real communities is voluntary. In conclusion the individual may leave the community at any time if his interests are harmed. But no way you can leave to mass societies. In other words you’re allowed to leave but only to another mass society. But you can never emigrate to a real community.
As the individual is a communal being the real communities are individualistic. Everyone matters equally. It doesn’t make of course that the individual never makes sacrifice. But the sacrifice is voluntary.
Man is a social being and not a mass being.