What is the value of time?
Can it be expressed in money at all?
Most people turn their time into money, whether it’s valuable or not. Most people do this because they have no choice.
This is because most people have a job, not because they love it, but because they are force to have.
Work is nothing but turning time into money. The problem starts there when people don’t like their jobs. They find no passion in it.
However, there are those who have so much time that they do not know what to do with it. They are unable to manage their time. For example, the one who is condemned to life sentence has an immeasurable time. But they do not possess it.
They can’t do with their time whatever they want. Hence their time is totally worthless. The purpose gives time sense and value. But only the purpose does. One who has no purpose there’s no value of their time. Therefore their time is worth nothing.
On the other hand, for those who have a purpose in their lives, time is the most valuable resource. Because time is indispensable.
Many people say that time is money. But is that really so?
What if all the money in the world was yours for the last year of your life? Could you evaluate this money?
In fact the time is more valuable than money, just because in theory we can possess virtually infinite sum of money. But we don’t have infinite time in life. The time is the most valuable resource if we really possess it, but it requires purpose.
Different people have different time preferences depending on how purposeful they are. People with high consciousness have low time preference. This means they are willing to sacrifice their time for long term result.
People with low consciousness however have a high time preference. They prefer short term result, impulsive pleasure over long term result. People with the present center have the slogan to live for today. Because only the here and now exist.
This is true, but the problem is that the here and now mean always different. That’s why the map was invented. The map is a transcendental guide, indicating where we will be there and then, if we follow it.
If we prefer always the here and now, how on earth can we get out of maze? And the life is a maze. In other words we have to sacrifice the here and now for the future position. Because if we get in the car we don’t get anywhere without knowing where we’re going.
When problems multiply in a person’s life, their time preference also changes accordingly. In general, time preference increases in direct proportion to problems. In this case we divide our time into smaller parts in order to be able to cope with. A man full of worries cannot plan for the long term. In life threatening situation the time preference increases immeasurably. Cuz everything must be mobilize to survive including time.
Only those who do have less problems in present can plan for the long run. That is why it needs to be worked on.
Time preference also varies with age. Children have a huge time preference. They are not capable to invest time into anything voluntarily. Therefore, the theory that you should let your child get bored or do what he or she wants doesn’t work for them.
According this theory if we let child get bored, the child will acquire some creativity. But it’s crazy.
First of all, boredom does not make anyone creative. And secondly, creativity is worth nothing with no purpose and hard work put into. And the child alone is incapable of doing so. Because the child feels always encouraged to pursue fun in their superficial level. The child needs adult guidance.
With age the time preference begins to decrease, but it never reaches zero. And in old age it starts to grow again.
The conclusion is that time is time, and money is money. The time is not money, much much valuable than money. But only with purpose. The really rich man is the one who has a lot of purposeful time.
For money alone it’s not worth wasting time. You can’t buy your wasted time back.
Money does not care about you. We don’t buy things with money, we buy them with hours from our lives.
Life requires sacrifices though, but there is a fundamental danger in filling time with work that we do not enjoy. No one gives us back the time we wasted. And because we have finite time in this world, time is irreplaceable. Time is not worth to waste.
Let this be the afterword. Thanks for reading me!