There are three lies that determine even your life with good chance, or did it in the past:
1. Life has no purpose.
2. If there is, the purpose of life is chasing happiness.
3. Your happiness depends on another person or society.
I leave you in no doubt, these lies are not coincidental. It is a very conscious game designed to keep you in poverty. Poverty means not merely existential poverty, but also intellectual, moral, spiritual, and health poverty.
The first lie is half true, but because it only declares half the truth, it is completely false. The whole truth is this: Life has no purpose as long as you don’t give life purpose. By the way, this is very similar to a quote.
The purpose of life is giving life purpose.
viktor frankl
Can life have a purpose or meaning without a creator? It is possible based on no faith, only knowledge? And what is the difference between faith and knowledge?
These questions are not random, but are precisely related to the existential stagnation that is unique to our age in a post-religious era. So many people have done with giving life purpose.
Let’s say as so many claim that there is a radical difference between faith and knowledge. And religion falls in category of faith. But what if I say in comparison with infinity we have a zero chance to be born. Yet we were all born, and we discuss these stuffs in this moment. What are the chances that we exist right now, have consciousness right now, and perceive our existence? Because since the big bang, an incomprehensible time has passed with human reason, and an incomprehensible time will pass until the end of the universe. But we are still living in this tiny time frame RIGHT NOW!
How much chance did we have of that?
If we compare the infinite to the finite, the final result will be zero. That is, we have a greater chance of existing on purpose than on no purpose. Because knowing our current existence, we have no reason to assume that it is only temporary. We have not because there is less chance of it. And if that’s not proof of the afterlife and the creator, I can’t even imagine what on earth could be that. And if the creator has a purpose with our current existence, it is a moral transgression not to give purpose to our lives.
So is it either faith or knowledge? My reasoning above is based on knowledge from the first word to the last in very synthetic assumption. Maybe all we call knowledge is just an illusion.
And everything we perceive as knowledge is faith only. If that were not the case, we would obviously be infallible.
We arrived at the second lie: If the life has purpose that can’t be else, than chasing happiness. This is a hedonistic approach that is also very typical of our time. So the purpose of life can be replaced by constant stimulus. But the problem is with this approach that no way you can eliminate the suffering comes with life either way. You can procrastinate it only. But procrastinating and finding true antidote to, are two radical different things.
Neither happiness nor chasing happiness can be the purpose of life. The happiness is only a side effect of finding purpose of life. And this is a tricky thing. Chasing happiness does not make you happy, the purpose does. Happiness escapes you if you chase it. But happiness will begin to chase you if you chase purpose, actualize it, and bear voluntary the related sacrifices and suffering necessary.
What the purpose of life can be, it is different for every person, as is personal interest, I will help you finding answer at the end of the post. But let’s get to the third and final lie first:
Your happiness depends on another person or group.
The same basis for this lie is that you cannot be a full-fledged person without physical intimacy. In other words with no sex you can’t live balanced life. In the Freudian sense, the cause of life without sex is neurotic repression. Or the result causes neurosis. Either way if we don’t do it, there has to be a reason.
But a deeply philosophical question arises. What has reason? Has reason of either not doing something or doing something? I know in philosophy there’s no room for everyone. Just because not everyone is capable thinking in abstract way. But still, the philosopher occurs in everyone who is capable to ask why. Because it’s a clear sign of seeking reason, purpose, meaning, and evidence.
So what makes reason, doing something or not doing something? Obviously, there has to be a reason for one to do something. For example, if someone doesn’t climb a mountain, we’re not looking for a reason why not. Because there’s a reason one is climbing a mountain: sport, hobby etc..
Following this logic, not having sex must have no reason. There is a reason someone is doing it. The only way of giving activity meaning, is giving it reason. And this is the only way of meaningful sex. This of course excludes the casual sex, because it has no meaning. The reason of meaningful sex is commitment. But this is not a criteria of happiness.
Of course, these rules do not apply to activities that maintain a general life function, such as eating, drinking, bathing, sleeping, breathing. Because if we don’t do them, there’s a reason. Otherwise we don’t stay alive. But sex does not fall into this category. And this is very important.
For this reason the intimate relationship must have a reason. Not having it must have no reason. And it’s a lie that intimate relationship would be for everyone, and no one can be happy as loner. I’m not sure about who is behind this, but I know their motivation. People are trained to be afraid of loneliness. To make them fear of being alone. To make them fear of feeling weak with no group. Who is fearing can be manipulated, controlled, ruled.
The problem is with the lie. According to this lie, every person has a mate, the other half of their soul, and until they find it, they can only be half a person. The truth, however, is that an advanced personality and a strong character alone make up a whole. If they have a partner they are more than a whole. However, their mood should never be affected by living alone or in a relationship. Their personality is strong enough to stand even the harsest adversities. And these adversities make their character even stronger. In other words you are not mature enough for marriage as long as you are not perfectly well alone. Because you expect solution from another person.
It is absurd to think that we have to expect our happiness from someone else. It’s hair-raising and false at every possible manner. Our place in the world and our unique identity cannot be determined by another outsider, person, or group. In other words if someone goes to relationship as half-person, that can be do with another half-person only. And that relationship won’t end up with making whole, but rather dysfunctional. Because losers attract losers. Winners don’t attract losers and vice versa. Winners attract winners.
And if someone expects a solution from their partner for their life, it doesn’t make the relationship stronger. The result will be the blind leading worldless effect.
And if we let ourselves fool with lie that the purpose of life is happines, most likely we belive a third lie either. Our happiness is up to another person. As result we finally end up believing that the purpose of the life is another person, group, family, status, spouse, career, and so on. Or yet worse, chasing hedonistic goals.
Well, the family can be miraculous, if you are wonderful most likely you attract wonderful partner, and raise wonderful children. If you are awful the result will be disastrous either. But the partner and family can’t be a purpose of life by any means. Cuz the purpose of life can’t be another person, cuz everyone belongs to oneself first. No one is a compensation tool of another person’s missing self-actualization. On the other hand, if the family is the purpose of life what would be that in case of losing family?
And it’s a lie that with no family you are a lost soul, and there’s no excuse for this. You’re never considered lost as long as you have a transcendental compass in life and noble life goal, even if you’re alone. But you are inevitably lost without them even in family and partnership.
The purpose of life is learning more, creating more, exploring more, and providing for people back from this result more. As much as possible. Being a better person by every single day, and helping others to be better too. But you can’t help others until you can’t help yourself. With no goal the people use cheap dopamine as stimulation to chase away the suffering for having no life goal.
The partner addiction is the same addiction like drug, alcohol, gambling, and sex addictions. People are chasing cheap dopamine to fill the void. Do not get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with being social. The problem is however, for the most people it’s not a choice. And in this sense it can’t be noble by any means, because it based on selfishness, cowardice, addiction, and exploitation. I’m sorry, but I have to say it’s a lie that being social would be equal to be a good person, empathetic, compassionate, helpful in most cases.
Being social is being social addict. The good person is selective social. That means the good person rather choose to be alone over bad company.
And this is for today. If you’re interested in this topic in more detail, please consider to visit my previous posts related to it. See bellow:

Thanks for reading me!