One of the biggest lies of our hypersexualized society is that, we should ejaculating as much as it possible to keep a biological balance. Especially young men are encouraged to jerk off everyday with heavily promotion of sexual contents, overtones. The porn, masturbation are normalized, which is insane. The young adults are indoctrinated to worship sex, and promiscuity is considered part of normal life especially before marriage it’s required. Living a sex free life is social tabu, even more than homosexuality. The virginity is implicitly threatened, condemned, disdained, outcast, treated in contempt, and kept under social pressure. Those are labeled as pervert, creep, loser, cripple, latent, while idiocy is celebrated, and the biggest threat of manhood the infantilism is the subject of adoration. What is behind the whole forced social degeneration, and who?

The modern conception allows sexuality to be approached from only one side, medical, which overrides all philosophy and moral and paradoxical but even scientific and social aspects if they are incompatible with mainstream innervation. Sexualization is set as a physiological need by the spirit of the age, which must be regular if we want to be functional full-fledged adults, full-fledged man or woman. The regular ejaculation is described as a criteria of adulthood. Despite more and more people tend to live in absence of sex, they have to face social stigmatization even now. Especially the virgins are treated as ‘stigmatized group’. But the other side of the coin is most often overlooked.
Take Epicurus, for example, an ancient Greek philosopher, who advocated a wisdom of meaning in pleasures for living happy life. He preached to enjoy a simple pleasures in life in companionship with friends and loved ones, but he considered romance and especially a sexual intercourse natural but unnecessary for general human satisfaction. The sexulaity is not necessarly provides merely pleasure, it can easily turn physical pleasure into psychological pain, suffering, and misery.
Sexual intercourse never helped anyone, and one must be satisfied if it has not harmed.
Epicurus, as quoted by Diogenes LAËRTIUS
The French-Algerian philosopher Albert Camus asserted openly the life has no meaning until we find it. Instead of blindly adapting already created religious and social structures we should create on by own the way to fulfilling life. Camus rejected the tyrannizing absurdity of norms as inherently good. Thus both being married or living hedonistic life can’t be absolute superior over others, just because they characterize the behavior of majority. The meaning of life solely depends on individuals, hence subjective.
Nikola Tesla for instance a lifelong bachelor, who has died virgin gave himself entirely to science. Absence of women helps the spectator of life to fulfill to excellence, in case of Tesla the science and engineering as he explained.

The source of all problems related with this issue that the modern approach especially the Western considers the sexuality neither as something special, nor passion, but fundamental need. There are a number of problems with this approach, most notably that it is utterly false, both biologically and socially, and even morally.
The biological argument
We all know the materialistic argument about the necessity of keeping ejaculating in order to keep a biochemical balance in well functioning life. This is the only approach that the mainstream culture advocates and tolerates. However there is no scientific evidence about that the sexualy active life has any positive effect for a long term, and the short-term effect can be replaced by regular exercise, hobbies, achieving a life goal, or whatever. Even though the people accept modernist this approach in general I do not recognize it would make them happier, but rather more dissatisfied, distressed, more and more anxious, and depressed. One fact that is ignored is the importance the semen and the crucial necessity to preserve this vital fluid. There are many benefits of preserving semen, so much so that its regular emptying not only has no positive physiological effect but is downright detrimental to health, and contrary to popular belief, it is neither normal nor natural. Because emptying semen requires constant sexual overstimulation. If the sperm is not emptied regularly, it is reabsorbed into the body and has a beneficial effect there.
The nutritional value of a sperm is incredibly high, a single one has a nutritional value equal to sixty red blood cells. With regular ejaculation, the body feels like it is bleeding. If, on the other hand, the sperm is reabsorbed from within the body, it nourishes it, resulting in stronger, richer hair, brighter eyes, and better stamina. The society tells that losing this fluid is not significant, but it lies. I did my research and realized the importance of nutrients in semen. I observed people sick and drained of their lives. Most men are sick because the crucially important nutrients drained, and their immune system weakened, their bodies don’t function well. I personally practice semen retention since 2005, and I will never look back. I am much more energized, more ambitious, my senses significantly sharper, and I never feel the need of meaningless orgasm. One thing I’m doing that is I am not releasing my seed unless I’m procreating, I don’t chase girls, but goals. I am forty now with no health issue, and I look like no more than twentyfive, while the majority of men in my age look like as they would be my grandparents, struggling with so many financial and health problems. Modern society considers it beneficial moreover essential if the prostate is constantly emptied, which prevents prostate cancer, but what is overlooked is that the prostate fills up at all due to regular ejaculation, and due to non-stop sexual fantasizing. Research on hermits, ascetics, and monks also confirms this, who have no prostate cancer at all. People who have a regular sex life have much higher problems with the prostate than those who do not live with it, either partially or not at all.
But it can also be inferred with common sense, without doing any research. There is no prostate cancer or prostate enlargement in the animal kingdom, nor was it typical of humans before the modern age, when all their energy was consumed by the struggle for mere survival and they were not subjected to constant artificially overstimulation that the porn industry offers. As a result, they had not ejaculated meaninglessly on a daily basis. Do you really believe this is normal and natural? It’s insane. Of course, human evolution has had different effects than animal evolution, but the theory itself is ridiculous that a sex-free lifestyle that is natural in animal kingdom would be somehow responsible for prostate cancer for humans. First of all there is no evidence for this theory, however there’s no prostate cancer among monks, hermits, and ascetics. Secondly passing the genes is the primary purpose of sex even among animals, which is well fulfilled with rare sexual activity, but the purpose and result of sex for humans in more than ninety percent of the cases is not passing genes, but self-serving pleasure. Which is counterproductive for the nature, thus it’s unnatural. On the other hand if something is natural can’t cause any harm for the body, like absence of meaningless orgasm. And finally if the theory is true means that the animals are better than us. But in that case we are not even animals but far worse, because unlike animals we have a free will. Are you really willing to accept this theory? Again, there is no proven connection between prostate cancer and absence of regular sexual activity, all problems with the prostate are caused by sexual thoughts and fantasising which make prostate produce semen, which is not emptied regularly. So stop fantasising about sex, and your prostate will be fine. As simple as that. And the prostate empties the the excess amount of semen during wet dreams. It won’t cause trouble if you stop fantasizing, and quit artificial stimulations.
The psychological argument
Constant sexual stimuli also have a dramatic effect on the brain, especially on porn addicts. In fact the sexuality is even more addictive than heroin, and as with all kinds of addiction if you nourish lust more, it demands more, and you’ll gain nothing that valuable. Testosterone level falls steadily in regular sex life, not remaining optimal. In addition to the artificial overstimulation degenerates the brain, which is so typical side effect of porn addiction. But the absence of sexual fantasizing improves long and short term memory. Man will be more ambitious because the brain is not disturbed by constant counterproductive fantasy. And the increasing testosterone level also increases muscles and keeps man masculine, ambitious, and young. The intelligence level also can be increased by up to 20-30%. This is not fictional information. One of the secrets of famous geniuses is complete or partial sex free life: Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Steve Jobs, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Winston Churchill, Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Immanuel Kant. They were all outstanding talents, in part because of the genes they received from their parents, and partly because they all practiced semen retention. For most men, this is too high price, but most men don’t even accomplish anything in life.
For the brain to be completely detoxified from superfluous dopamine recessors built up by long years, decades of artificial overstimulation and onania it takes time. It won’t happen overnight. But until the brain is completely cleansed, which may take a full year, you will not be balanced, and the chances of relapsing remain very high. Then, when this transition period elapses, the brain enters a state of equilibrium. Then you will get over the difficulty and start real life. For drug addicts, this is called withdrawal symptoms.
Regular ejaculation is NOT healthy. Porn and masturbation are the disease of our modern age, a disease of lust. It’s a real pandemic. Since more than ninety percent of sexual activities are resulted by artificial stimulations, they have a dramatic impact on the brain structure.
The moral argument
Please do not get me wrong at any way, I don’t ask you to abandon the sex altogether, or follow my path to a completely sex free life, but you shouldn’t be obsessed with sex, and you should practice it with reason. And that can’t be a reason that it’s a need. And this is where the moral argument comes into play. The theory that the sexuality is a need, is a lie. The sex is the biggest dopamine releaser, but a cheapest one too. You don’t need this constant dopamine shot to keep balance in life. Chasing sexual gratification all the time makes you dissatisfied, weak, meek, and helps self improvement with nothing. Attaining life goal is the solution of keeping balance. And the general happiness is the side effect of this only. You don’t need the devil’s cheap dopamine which requires no work, but deprives you of your self-esteem, character, and true potential.
One of the reasons that the asexuality is a myth in most cases, because every moral being should be called ‘asexual’ as long as he or she isn’t committed to someone. But even being seriously committed in marriage, pursuing sexual activity should be as rare as possible, making it more special and unique experience. In fact the less often it’s done, the more unique and special it is. The reason for this is that the brain cannot appreciate what it is accustomed. Quality is at the expense of quantity, even inside the marriage, not mentioning the promiscuity, adultery, and polygamy. The more relationships someone has, the poorer they are. And finally the sexuality will be degraded to a bleak, empty, insensitive, soulless routine which helps no one to be happier. If it happens only once in the life with that one you really committed to, that can be the most amazing experience. Even the few don’t degrade the quality. But once the sexual gratification becomes purpose, the partner becomes just a tool to achieve this, and not the opposite.
If you want to live a most unique life abandon the sex altogether and live in white marriage or celibacy. Whatever you decide try to avoid the trap of sensuality and don’t let it control your life and mind. This is a sacrifice. While the most people might ask, why I should make sacrifice. Because the sacrifice will be made anyway either you want or not. Nothing comes free. There is no free lunch. You can choose to pay either for this or that, but you can’t choose that you don’t pay at all. You can choose to get married. You’ll pay for it. You can choose to live in celibacy. You’ll pay for it. You can choose to live a promiscuous and hedonistic life with changing sexual partners so fast. You’ll pay for it. You can choose to die virgin. You’ll pay for it. You can choose either to sex with someone you committed to or live a relatively or absolutely sex free life. You’ll pay for it. See? The sacrifice is inevitable, but at least you can choose how noble will it be.
So the question is which life you want for yourself and your loved ones, and which sacrifice you’re willing to pick. Either you want a special, unique, meaningful life as noble as possible or you want a banal, superficial, bleak, empty one. The choice is yours, and the sacrifice will be made either way. But as the sexuality can’t be a need and shouldn’t, there’s no such thing as asexual or sexual, only moral and immoral. Sadly the modern approach absolutely ignores this moral factor. According to Freud, this is a neurotic disorder. No. Because we are humans not animals. Even the animals don’t sex with no reason, which is a procreation in their cases. Not only bread feeds man, we also have an emotional, intellectual, moral, and even spiritual motivations, with capacity to follow our conscience, and choose the right way over an easy one. We’re seeking meaning, and the sex with no meaning is a hell. The same group that ignores this fact argues that there can be no mere friendship between a man and a woman, or they must be gay. This is a lie. The sex is not everything. Emotional human connections can be a need however, but the sex alone can’t be, or at least not at moral way.
The modern Western approach especially the postmodernist one is fundamentally flawed, with classifying the sex as need. But if this true, the partner is a tool, a piece of meat, nothing more. As the food is a need to eliminate hunger. Needless to say how dangerous and devastating this approach for the whole social structure. It gives an excuse for everything, and opens a door before the rape culture. The sex must serve the life not the death, and not the life should serve the sex. Because it is a gift from God, and taking advantage of this, humiliating it to the ground is morally condemnable. Because not only this gift gets humiliated, but the partners humiliate each other and themselves at same way.
All kind of meaningless sex, especially the casual one is nothing else than stealing from nature, taking advantage of what we don’t own, don’t earn, only is donated by chance, our bodies and physical beauty. The price of sex is commitment for humans, and the punishment for not following the rule are remorse, shame, guilt, losing health and self-esteem, and losing respect of others. Breeding offspring is what the nature wants from us, nourishing well the sexuality as gift of God is the God wants from us. If we take something from nature or God, we must provide back, which means a meaningful sexual life. There’s no other moral way around.
For many centuries, before the rise of nation-states the Roman Catholic Holy Church determined fundamentally public thinking. The early Christian fathers were exactly aware of the power of sexuality, but even they did not know why they abstained from the opposite sex. They felt the necessity of it, but they were unable to formulate it verbally. The reason might be, because both the sexuality and romance have nothing to do with the real love, means the unconditional love. The best example of unconditional love is parental love ideally. For your mother, no matter what you are, she loves and accepts you unconditionally. But for your romantic or sexual partner? You are a multitude of expectations. It doesn’t matter what you look like, how you behave, which traits you have, etc. A multitude of conditions. Many argue that there is only one kind of love, if it’s an unconditional one, the romance and sexuality are the contamination of it. In this respect, the romantic and sexual relationship can only be inferior compared to real love. Because the selfish love is not love at all, only self-love. But the sexuality is far better if the romance is still involved.
Romance isn’t a healthiest form of love, but far healthier than sexuality alone.
The social argument
That sexuality is a private matter is an illusion, or only partly true, because the sexual life is one of the most crucial factors of social integrity in virtually every culture in the world, from the beginning of time. This is the reason that the promiscuity undermines the social stability, because the everyone belongs to everyone motto means everyone belongs to no one in real life. Without commitment to someone means not belonging to anyone at all. Which is perfectly fine for mass societies. And for the same reason the archaic societies advocated the institution of marriage. The whole society is built on regulating sexual behaviour. This is the marriage for. But there is an other side of coin. The modern rulers realized the potential in making people love their servitude. Which means getting anyone hooked with something. The promiscuity and adultery are encouraged in mass societies for the same reason they were banned in archaic ones. Unlike the modern, the archaic societies weren’t totalitarian, or semi-totalitarian. Everything was subordinated to social stability, which at the time did not mean the state, but the structure itself. In contrast, the modern ruling elite has an interest in making citizens directly dependent on the state and not on each other. One way to do this is to accelerate social decadence. The social disintegration of an individual increases in direct proportion to the number of sexual partners as the statistics present. As more sexual partner you have in life as poorer the quality of partnership with one particular partner. Statistics also show that those who go into virgins have the best chance of a long and happy marriage, because it’s a different mindset and state of mind. For the later a person starts having sex, in more mature age, the less likely he or she will do what later be regretted. Starting having sex earlier, means more chance to be traumatized, and less chance to have a meaningful life, and happy partnership. Because you are naive in your young age, both physically, and intellectually unprotected, inexperienced, vulnerable. Only one wrong decision in young age enough for the entire life to be consumed by the terrible consequences of it. And more and more people enter the world of sexuality earlier, or too early, that generates a dramatic impact on society.
Starting sex too early has a same effect like changing partners so fast. The two follow from each other. Following this passion could lead to adultery, abuse, addiction, illness, unwanted pregnancy, sexual transmitted diseases, violence, and even homicide. As result of millions of ruined lives, and falling apart families and personalities, the whole social structure gets damaged at terrible manner. The damaged lives don’t produce healthy offsprings, but breed even more damaged lives. Pursuing sexual desires and chasing constant sexual gratification could also lead to self-destruction by wasting time and energy, not mentioning the vital body fluids as Epicurus warned more than two thousand years ago.
The main reason why the society wants to keep you fapping, because it needs weak men, and dumb people, and not smart men and bright people. Do not let them destroy you. Think of it. What do elite want? Power and control. How they do get that? Depriving the men of their true potential, by destroying masculinity, and getting as many people hooked on something as possible.
Let me illustrate this with something. I’m gonna show the world below and above certain IQ at the same time. And I make you realize, what they want from us, and how.

The love of material ease has been, in the mass of men and permanently speaking, always greater than the love of liberty. Nine hundred and ninety-nine women out of a thousand are more interested in the cut of a dress than in the independence of their sex; nine hundred and ninety-nine men out of a thousand are more interested in drinking a glass of beer than in questioning the tax that is laid on it; how many children are not willing to trade the liberty to play for the promise of a new cap or a new dress? This it is which begets the complicated mechanism of society; this it is which, by multiplying the concerns of government, multiplies the strength of government and the corresponding weakness of the people.
Voltairine de Cleyre
The modern society is built around getting everyone hooked on something in order to make masses love their servitude: smoke, alcohol, porn, masturbation, news, social media, drugs, alimony, consumer goods, loans, and all that kind of stuffs. This is the reason that the virginity, celibacy, and the even more stigmatized asexuality are tabu, because they are nearly impossible to control and manipulate. But as I used to say the asexuality is not else than a myth in most cases, with phrase the society labels everyone who lives a sex free life, in celibacy, and practices semen retention. In other words those who refuse having meaningless sex, or refuse the idea of sex as need.
The other reason that the society wants you to jerk off every day, because if someone quits fapping, and meaningless orgasm, that one is a judgement and direct threat on other males who aren’t capable doing so. And the average man gets judged by himself relentlessly, and involuntary, seeing someone to be okay with himself with no fapping. And that won’t be a happy day for average man. Without showing the necessity of female attraction drives women crazy either. And the well known mantras appear: ‘You must be gay’. And I just laugh at them, and walk away. This is why the averageness tries to keep you jerking off at all cost, with teasing, bombarding sexual contents, and trying to make you ashamed in your confidence. Those who live a meaningful life (which is given for a very few people), and preserve nuts for the best occasion (breeding healthy offsprings), and live in celibacy or are loyal to their wives, challenge the dopamin slaves by their bare existance, for obvious reasons. Because they show the insufficiency of average men and women. They are really free, because only dignity can set us free. They are tigers among pussies and walking life drained zombies. And they fear of facing you. They will hate you for this. This is why they attack you at every possible level, and try to destroy you desperately in your confidence, which they will never get. Otherwise their own judgement will destroy them. This is a life-and-death struggle on their part.
My body does not deserve any sensual indulgence and amusement, as the sensuality does not deserve my attention. You ought to treat your body as dog, and that will treat you as boss.
The creed of asceticism
How we should handle the social pressure and the terror rule of sex nazis and maniacs
There is a protection, simply walk away from masses, and avoid average men, women. If it’s not possible fight back, and humiliate them in their false confidence. But in order to get this done, you must break their rules, which is alone enough to make them freaked out, and confused with having no control on you. And this is the best part because they can’t play their habitual game without you. It’s very entertaining if you become a master of this practice. If you don’t accept their rules, they have no control on you. It’s such simple. In other words if you reject their superiority about their wet lives, they shall not win even a single debate against you. If the level of intelligence of your opponents allows, destroy their delusions with intelligent arguments, if their intelligence does not hit certain level, troll them relentlessly. The most important here, make them fail in ashaming you by simply refusing their worldview. Remember there is nothing any wrong with not having sex all the time. Trust me, if you have a will power of staying away from masturbation, and regular ejaculation you are better than 99% of men. All you have to do is letting them know, lowering to their vulgar level, but making them feel your superiority. You know you’re right about what they don’t know because they don’t have the necessary knowledge and information to discuss this topic at intelligent way.
For example: “Why do you think I should pursue your hobby? Do I call you loser, knowing you have never climbed the Everest, or never sailed around the world?”
Let them start explaining after confusion, which is guaranteed, after keep trolling them, and you won. Or stand aggressively, with threatening posture, and just ask:
“Do you have any problem with my value system?”
While doing this be assertive, arrogant, brash, unpredictable, and demand respect. Trust me, it works. The most people expect else from you, e.g. seeking social validation, approval, and excuses. The most bulliers are accustomed to deal with pushovers. Seeing you are not, the most of them will never invest time and energy to be mean with you. Because the verbal fight for dominance is at least doubtful. They will simply leave you alone, and would clown you behind your back. But who cares? This is the way you should set boundaries, if anyone dares to enter into your private life: ignoring, confusing, trolling, standing for yourself.
My favorite one this, which I used a several times, and always hits: “You little unfortunate naive morons, you all fall on your stomach in front of a pussy, while you have absolutely no idea what is the real pleasure. Have you ever been in life threatening situation? Have you ever climbed the Everest? Have you ever sailed around the world? Have you ever been in dangerous country? Have you ever moved of your comfort zone? Have you ever lived even for a minute? Did you set up life goal that would justify your miserable and pathetic existance? Have you ever created something timestanding for the next generation? Did you ever make money with no job? Did you ever generate passive income? Banging babes does not make you big boys, and you won’t have money either.”
Admitted none of these will make you popular. But who cares popularity? Whether how many people considered Tesla mad, and how many people considered Hitler genius in their time? But the truth was the opposite. That’s all about popularity. Don’t make people like you, make them respect you.
More pleasure gives less happiness.
Only the meaning can set us free. Only the consciousness can keep us in dignity. Don’t let the hellish underworld of lust and meaningless sex trap you. It will destroy you. If sex is a need, we are no longer humans. The sex is a choice for humans. Of course the people have no control over their sexual preference and orientation, but they have a control over their behaviour, which alone excludes that sexuality could be a fundamental human need. It’s not a need, it’s a choice.
And that’s it. Thanks for reading me again!