The reason is the same why they are overrepresented in the business world as well, because they are more intelligent than average.
The average intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews is above one hundred, which is higher than the average intelligence of the average Europeans.
So the question is not why they are overrepresented, but why they are more intelligent.
I have a theory for this, which cannot be proven, but a thought which is worth experimenting with.
Ashkenazi Jews are no different genetically from white non-Jewish Europeans, but they are still alienated because of their religion.
That is why they could not own land in medieval Christian-dominated Europe. And the person who cannot own land in feudalism is a nobody.
For the Jews, only trade was left as a means of earning, which was an object of contempt in the Middle Ages, because it was not based on exploitation, but on persuasion.
Those who proved to be good traders survived and were able to pass on their genes, and those who did not were unable to do so.
In the absence of a social care system, this resulted in a huge selection in the Jewish gene pool.
The Jews thus had to figure out how to survive even the most difficult adversities, and they, who all along could only rely on themselves and each other, figured it out.
Later, they became so successful that with the advent of the new age, they amassed huge wealth and gained a competitive advantage over other Europeans.
They also learned that they need to stick together because together they are strong and therefore became excellent relationship builders.
That’s the secret. The secret of the Jews. The power of Jews, that is there is no secret, no conspiracy, only the lesson we ought to learn from them. Never stop improving, learning, and getting better and better, and luck will anchor on our side.
Thanks for reading!