Let’s assume the God exists, for a sake of discussion

Alright, so let’s assume the God exists for this topic, I don’t know though, I am agnostic. I am only at the beginning of the journey of discovering what I believe in. I’ll prove that the intention behind the belief system is good and noble, even in that case if the God does not exist. The original intention itself came from goodwill. Christopher Eric Hitchens has denied the possibility of this in one of his public debates. He argued that the God if he exists indeed, is a prison guard, or big brother, who keeps his creatures under strict surveillance. That is, the idea of God’s existence is also morally unacceptable. According to this approach, the intention behind the belief system can’t be good. This is a classic atheist tactic by the way, which attacks the Faith of God not on a scientific but on a moral basis. That idea the God is merely a cruel dictator is tantamount to that absurd claim, our conscience is an oppressor, or we are a slaves of the consumed food, or subjects of breathed oxygen, or parents watch their children because they want to keep them under oppression. All of these claims are ridiculous nonsense.
But here is another example that is so popular nowadays: ‘I am not willing to accept such God as something good, who lets suffer the innocents, for example lets the children die of bone cancer. If the God is so great and good he wouldn’t let this happen’. Okay this is the issue, but why we feel necessity of taking accountable the God or anyone else for this? Why we consider this unfair, if we ourselves are safe from any incurable disease? Why seeing suffering innocents hurts, if we are outsiders? Why do we feel compassion towards others if it doesn’t come by divine inspiration? Let’s dig deeper into this issue.
The suffering is inevitably hurts innocents which we consider unfair with all rights. But this is only one side of coin. On the other hand the suffering and trauma are necessary evil that prevents us having more suffering and trauma. The pain is the control in order to not harm yourself, including the emotional pain towards others, called empathy or compassion. We can see this that way, that the God created world is imperfect. But the God can’t make mistake. He created everything for reason, even pain, suffering, and misery. Imagine the world without these. That would be a fascist utopia, or dystopia, our worst nightmare, as terrifying as you can imagine. There would be no problem that must be solved. There’s no room for any progress. We should fix nothing there, earn nothing, work for nothing. Our personalities can’t improve this way. This is important because the human being is created for challenge. The people would get stuck in state of helpless unviable children. In our reality if you want something, you should earn it, work for it, deserve it. If you want to enjoy the pleasure the life offers, you must bear the relating suffering. Because no way you can evaluate that what you didn’t earn. There’s no free lunch. The hedonism is the creed of annihilation that leads us nowhere. The claim of Satan, as the claim of atheists about the imperfection of God created world is absolutely nonsense. Now I tell you why in detail.
Let’s assume the God created world is not conforming to accepted standard of morality. But if the God created everything, means he created basic moral rules, and our capacity for making moral judgements. We can’t use our donated capacity as argument against the creator without questioning our capacity for being moral. We contradict ourselves with using morality as argument. No one can be a debater partner of God, because no one can be right against God, without claiming to have the capacity that God has. Using moral arguments against the abstraction of morality, called God, is ridiculous. Arguing with God is madness.
If you assume that God exists for the sake of argument, you must accept that case there’s nothing greater than God. If you accept this argument because there’s no other way around, how a hell you strive to assume that God is evil, or morality is greater than God who created it? Because if you assume that something greater than God, you simply cannot assume that God exists at all. If so, you should assume either that you have a divine power to assume this. Either way you simply end up with yourself an insurmountable logical contradiction.
So why can’t the God be evil?
If the God is not representation of transcendental morality, can’t be a God, because it’s imperfect. The imperfect God is an oxymoron. That’s why the God can’t be evil. if someone wants to believe in God, but not as the representation of morality, that one does not want to believe in God at all. On the other hand if someone doesn’t want to believe in God, but accepts universal moral rules, is equivalent to that who wants to believe in God. You either accept moral rules or want to believe in representation of morality. The result is the same. But you can’t use morality as weapon, especially against that one who is considered the source of morality by so many people. You can’t abuse the inventor if you use his invention. This is a very basic moral obligation. But the reason atheists try to undermine the belief system on moral basis, is wanting to destroy everything that they can’t control, the natural human spiritual longing. I was naive when I thought, that the atheism has only scientific purposes, and not ideological. Because if that would be the case they’d not use anything besides scientific arguments.
Thank you for reading me!