It happened exactly two decades ago on this day. Four hijacked passenger planes and three thousand slaughtered victims. The war on terror was subsequently announced, which at the time was still limited to only one country. To the no man’s land descended into endless civil war, Afghanistan, and its terrorist government, which is outside any international recognition, the Taliban regime, which provides refuge for the planners of the terrorist attack. The task seemed simple. Which was overthrowing this regime, liquidating the nests of terrorists, stabilizing Afghanistan under a pro-western government in order to ensure this will never happen again, and we’ll be home at Christmas. Sounds familiar, eh? Stabilization was still in full swing when the invasion of Iraq became a decided fact, for in the meantime it turned out that the planner of the terrorist attack was the dictator of the country, who is now threatening world peace with weapons of mass destruction. If that had really been true, the regime would have survived by the way, as North Korea will never be invaded due to the same reason. Another country, another meaningless war. Then a new president, new promises: “American troops will never be deployed on Muslim countries”. Then the even more meaningless Arab Spring broke out, newer countries at war, collapsed states, previously considerable stable territories under even more brutal terrorist control. A stream of refugees flooded Europe which was never seen before. A series of terrorist attacks on a weekly basis. In fact, it’s an endless war, which is the most lucrative business for advertisers. More war means more clicks on ads, as result more money. And the promise of mainstream media is “the best is coming, the best is coming”. The war is fun if it doesn’t take place in front of your door. Fun for masses, business for advertisers.
This endless war did not begin twenty years ago with 9/11 attack, but didn’t with Soviet intervention in Afghanistan either at the end of 70s, when supporting the anti-Soviet Mujahideen fractions begun with weapon supply via the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI. No. This endless global warfare had begun with the first modern industrial war, the World War I, with the advent of central banks with infinite pockets. A single war could not be financed for a day without the uncontrolled issuance of banknotes by central banks. The establishment of FED (Federal Reserve) took place just before World War I., at 1913, but it was not until 1917 that the United States became a warring party. A ten million victims, a whole generation of fertile young men on the altar of nihilism. This war was the result of a hundred years of centralization. Then the abominable Spanish flu, which demanded ten times more victims worldwide as the four years of the war. And general mobilization helped spread the epidemic which turned into pandemic very soon. In the 1920s banknote issuance increased by sixty percent, leading to overconsumption and the rushing twenties. Meanwhile the FED blowed a loan bubble with expansion, which resulted inevitably the crack at the late 20s. The stock market collapsed within a day. The terrible world economic crisis has arrived and the age of lost decade. Guess what happened after that, another world war, another tens of millions of casualties. Then the danger of mutual nuclear destruction until the 90s. The oil crisis which consumed the 70s. The world has reached the brink of total annihilation three times in forty years, Korean war, Cuban missile crisis, and finally at the late 80s.
Then something unexpected happened, the Berlin Wall fell, the communist regimes of Eastern Europe collapsed at a rapid rate. The Soviet Union fell apart almost overnight. Is history over with the ultimate victory of Western democracies?Or does this not prove the triumph of democracies, but rather the dysfunctionality of communism? Whatever, what bad can happen even after these? Euphoria was soon interrupted by the outbreak of bloody Balkan wars and ethnic cleansing, which, incidentally, arose in a suddenly attacked superpower vacuum. The collapse of the Eastern bloc and the loss of the CMO market meant for many Eastern European countries not the arrival of democracy, prosperity and an free market economy, but rather civil wars, economic crisis, hyperinflation, deep poverty and sectarian-ethnic tensions. Other than that, the nineties were really not worth mentioning.
But came from nowhere 9/11. But this was not the beginning of a new war, but the continuation of an old one with new participants. Because the same reasons led to all the conflicts. The general population get drained with proclaiming new world orders after every global crisis for more than a hundred years, lasting only a few decades. When turns out the war solves nothing, but consumes the resources of society and the future of the next generation, a new enemy required as antidepressant treatment. Only the appearance of new enemy can justifies the endless war. No one likes protracted wars, but everyone gets excited with outbreak a new one. The advertisers, the mainstream media, and warfare propaganda are fully aware of this fact.
War requires money, money, and money. As simple as that. Okay how we get money from? From taxpayers, selling an unborn generations as debt slaves, and so on.
The war in Afghanistan costed U.S. taxpayers more than two trillion dollars so far. What happened to that amount of money? Where did it go? Funny because that money exists in physical form even now, but it became totally worthless. The inflation has eaten it up completely.
What is missing is the fruit of two decades of work of Americans, their investments, the future of their children, creativity, talent, and their hard work that didn’t pay off. It did not benefit society. It was not invested back into the economy, but consumed by the military industry.
U.S. taxpayers worked for virtually free for twenty years for their own government to finance the meaningless war on the other side of the world. The war which solved nothing. And even God knows how long their children will work for the same war for free to repay the huge public debt. Which will never happen, but the debt slavery will still remain.
One of the ancient great Christian fathers, Gregory of Nazianzus said: The war is mother of inflation, and of course the mother of taxation.
What do you think? Is it really worth fighting the endless and meaningless war of the ruling elite? Is the life not short enough for doing this?
According to so many people the war was necessary because of 9/11, but the truth is after overviewing the historical background, the US got back her own treatment only. She was finally forced to taste her own medicine with 9/11. No one remembers when the U.S. Air Force exterminated a third of the civilian population of a country which it was not officially at war with. To this day, the Cambodian population bears the consequences of carpet bombing. The U.S. civilian population has so far been well protected by the shield of the ocean and its incomprehensible force. But nothing protected her from asymmetrical warfare, which finds a gap in the shield, and targets the weakness of enemy not its strength. No one can start a war without getting it back in some form, and the USA has been a warring party since Pearl Harbor without interruption. 9/11 wasn’t a reason, but the result. This is the truth that no one wants to hear. Please do not get me wrong, I would never say they deserved it, because no one deserves to be a victim of war or terror attack. But it’s undoubtedly true always the innocents suffer of governmental decisions, and the federal government is also to blame in creating this environment that the little group of terrorist had been able to change the history with Walmart segment blade knife by using civil infrastructure of their enemy. So many innocents died of this attack, true, but no one cares about the civil casualties of the enemy state. Even if 9/11 would justify any war, can it justify slaughtering millions of Iraqi civils as result, and God knows how many Afghans? Does anyone in America care about them? One million Iraqi casualties how many 9/11 would be equal to? This argument would have classified unpatriotic, but the reasons and evidences are ignored so far. They are that the USA is a warring party for more than seventy years, and at war no one can afford to be an outsider. We would think they learnt something from this, no way.
They declared another war, this time on terror, with the same results. Conclusion: The war on terror does not work, and never ever worked even for a minute. Killing one terrorist creates ten more. Violence breeds violence. In other words war on terror breeds exclusively more terrorists. The proof for this is that after twenty years not only did that happen the West failed to stabilize Afghanistan, but previously stable countries are destabilized by war launched or provoked by West: Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc.. As result of war on terror those countries are considered a stronghold of terrorism, where they have never seen before. And with regards of Afghanistan one thing is achieved indeed. The Taliban is no longer a terror group, but the government of Afghanistan, again, but this time with Western military technology and equipment. The military mind suggests more soldiers for getting more security, but as turned out no one can win war with solely military strategy, because the ideologies are bulletproof. And violence nourishes ideologies.
Why did the invasion of Iraq become the number one priority for the USA in late 2002 and early 2003? We can guess only. But the simplest answer is because they could afford it. In the post 9/11 period they were authorized to wage any war. And war is needed to justify maintaining the world’s largest force and military industry. Politicians also benefit from war because by influencing patriotic emotions, they can win the support of the masses, increase taxes, and nourish a war welfare state. The USA is the number one weapon exporter of the world. While there is a debate about a federal restriction on arms possession for private use, the US government sells weapons to China, Saudi-Arabia, Singapore in large scale. None of these regimes is famous for respecting human rights. Do you really think the U.S. government launches, provokes, pursues war for peacekeeping? Do you really believe the U.S. government armes up terrorists for eliminating terror threats? Do you really think anyone can sex for virginity? People will not be disturbed by the war as long as they are not directly affected. However, war is the most lucrative business for advertisers. By consuming the news and clicking their ads, you also support the war as ordinary citizen, and make this bloodthirsty criminals billionaires. In fact news consumers love war if it doesn’t take place right outside their door. What do people need? Circus and bread. And that hasn’t changed for two thousand years. This is not beautiful, even disgusting, but that’s how people work, which William Randolph Hearst, the great American media mogul, had realized more than a hundred years ago with regards to the Spanish-American war. People need sensation and content what has news value, advertisers need money. Let’s make a war! At least this was the essence of Hearst’s philosophy.
The U.S. troops after liberating Baghdad helped zealously to fall the Saddam monument for the people, but they watched idly as the chaos prevailed with the collapse of the regime and free robbery begins. They had no strategy for organizing policing, and maintaining the general security. If Americans thought everything would work further than before by regime change, everyone does their job the same way, goes to work as before, and nothing change will happen in society, they were mistaken fatally. By beheading the Saddam regime, they also beheaded Iraqi society at the same time. That’s what we see in the news. It wasn’t worth it at this price, not least because the war broke out under false pretenses. And no one took responsibility for the consequences anymore. And why anyone would have taken? Even being held accountable does not make anyone take responsibility (see: Nuremberg trials), but the U.S. president is as far away from accountability as possible. The responsibility belongs to the country, the office he served. By leaving his office he leaves the responsibility behind, and lives a carefree life, well protecting from any impeachment and persecution. In turn, he takes with him the accumulated vast wealth and the network of economic relations he has built over the years. Last but not least, those who lobbied for war. They will never have to face the consequences of their actions, millions of deads and ruined lives, ruined countries, collapsed societies, economic crisis. Nothing motivates them to behave responsibly, but everything to more irresponsibility. It is simply not in the interest of any politician not to ruin their own country and everything they have an access to. This is the harsh reality.
Here we are now. The intention of war prevailed. The mission had been undertaken. However, instead of stability, democracy, peace and prosperity, they left only chaos, destruction and disaster. Everywhere they put their feet, all that was left was a pile of rubble and hill of corpses. And this is not just the consequence of the past two decades, but of the past more than a hundred years of modernization and centralization.
Their job with news is not to inform people, but to hysterize and manipulate the masses, to sell advertisements, including political propaganda, and the half-truths of political and economic interest groups, perpetuating fear and paranoia. The goal of this is preventing as many citizens from leaving the line as possible. Disorienting people from objective truth, altering history in order to alienate the society of any past reference point and obvious historic conclusions, are already achieved by public education, and mainstream media. Standardizing the accessible information and knowledge turns any society into an intellectual wasteland. What happened yesterday no one cares about, tomorrow will never come. In the world of news, nothing exists except the eternal present and the endlessly repeated message: “The best is coming, the best is coming”. When people realize that nothing has really happened to them in life other than staring at the screen, plunging into sofa, wasting the unparalleled opportunity for living, detached from reality, it is usually too late. But this unnatural passivity pays for the advertisers very well. This is why you’re always encouraged to do nothing that useful, but watch afar the artificionaly generated endless crisis, and find a joy and fun in it. This is done through the program of psychological warfare, bombarding you with called “official reports” by mass media at all hours of the day.
The official ideology abounds with contradictions even where there is no practical reason for them… These contradictions are not accidental. That shifting phantasmagoric world in which black may be white tomorrow and yesterday’s weather can be changed by decree.
George Orwell
Again, the sole purpose of total disorientation is achieving the full intellectual sterility, where you don’t believe anything outside of the screen, but inside it the most absurd things. For instance you believe that you have a control over the oligarchical ruling elite with your single vote, while you fail to recognize you have no control even over your own thoughts, they control them either. The thoughts can be even the most private are collectivized and nationalized without noticed. You’re no longer be capable to revolt, think, create, or live a normal life. You are a multimedian hollow, an echo of propaganda, without having independent personality. You are just another brick in the wall, a faceless slave of matrix, believing any war can be declared for peace, and freedom can be diminished in behalf of freedom. You are not free. You’ve lost it by losing the last pillar of freedom, the freedom of thoughts. Unless you don’t let that happen. As Orwell warns, it depends on you.
Hopefully there is another way. The world of social media, bloggers, and podcasters didn’t exist at the time of Afghan and Iraqi war started, it wasn’t strong enough to prevent the Libyan intervention, but by the time it was strong enough to prevent the Syrian intervention and encourage effeciently the Britons voting for Brexit. When they have already guaranteed a victory, the mainstream media opinion control was completely undermined by a world where theirs was not the last word, and where everyone can have a say. And they were terrified watching it. The Wikileaks revealed the truth and spotted the liars. And they didn’t hold accountable those who lied to us for years and decades, manipulated us, and were responsible for the deaths of millions, instead destroyed Assange who revealed the truth. The mainstream media is dead, and we bloggers should grab this unique opportunity. This is our only chance to avoid the Orwellian nightmare, and establish the Athenian worldwide community.
If anything can be concluded on 9/11 anniversary, that can’t be else than we shouldn’t follow news, at least not through the mainstream media, but most of all to avoid being addicted to news. Just take a look at promises after twenty years. Nothing changed, nothing solved, nothing improved. Despite the declaration of war on terror, the world is lot more dangerous place now, with many more terrorists and victims than at the time of declaration. Many more countries are affected by international terrorism and civil war than ever before. And by consuming news we made influential people even more influential and incredible rich, who yearn more war, terror, blood and tear to earn even more money at price of suffering of millions. I’m drained with this. I’m exhausted with watching the emptiness of endless news dumping and unfulfilled promises. Why you should follow the news whatsoever, knowing they are lying to you, and always everything will only get worse, and worse, and worse. And the same repeats over and over again, as if nothing would have happened. I quitted following news, and I started to live. And I encourage you to do the same. Start living before it’s too late. Let’s deal with what’s up to you instead of idle watching the destruction of the world. The world of news is built on and relies on those who have no life. Break the circle. Everything is better than living an entire life in an armchair as an addict of a virtual fantasy world. Get disconnected from tyranny of multimedian matrix. More and more people are starting to live, the greater the chance that this endless madness will end once. Do not follow news. It won’t make you happy and fulfilled.
I know they’re lying, they know they’re lying. I know I’m right, they know I’m right, but they don’t want others to know that.
Stoic Spirit
Thanks for reading!